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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

K-Pumps - Hand pumps for inflating vessels

They give me one of those, "Why didn’t I think of that?” moments every time I hold one…
K-Pumps. We love them.

Greg Darling | K-Pump Demo

Why? Well, they are very, very slick hand pumps for inflating vessels of all sizes.

K-Pumps are the best pumps you will ever own! K-Pumps are built using a specially formulated ABS plastic and backed by a 2 year unlimited warranty. Each pump includes a storage bag, lubricant and assorted inflation adapters.

The K-Pump 200, model K200: is a new model in 2005. It weighs in at 2 lbs. 8 oz. and measure 3” by 32”. It has almost double the volume of the Model 100 and is designed to be the best pump for "topping off” you have ever seen. There simply are no equals... This is a "must” pump for all rafts, cata-rafts and pontoon crafts because you can stand upright when using it. The stroking action is effortless, yet highly efficient. There is simply no comparable pump that will produce as much air volume with less effort. Commercial river guides acclaim this pump to be about as valuable as their flotation jackets. If you have a back problem, this is "your” pump! A quick demonstration at a K-Pump dealer will quickly prove its value. This pump will sell itself if you just try it...

Made in U.S.A - Made in Oregon
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